Executive Leader’s Secret Weapon Session
When you’ve reached heights of business and leadership success that few can even dream of, it’s not always easy to find support to help you grow – not just professionally, but holistically across all aspects of your life.
If you’re a successful senior leader looking for a different path now - one of holistic fulfillment, and a thoughtful, intuitive and spiritual partner to help you bridge the two worlds as you transition into more of your wholehearted self, I’m here for you.
Fill in your details here and we will arrange a complimentary initial consultation to find out more about you and your dreams for the future and help you find the best path forward. This is the way.
My speciality is helping successful leaders who are going through a developmental phase shift in their life and their career. There is a level of inner change that comes with successful scaling a senior executive leadership career that is rarely talked about; this is the internal consciousness shift that happens when climbing the career ladder and making money stops being a primary driver.
For many of the senior leaders I work with, as they grow and evolve, they start finding themselves outgrowing some of their friendships, career aspirations, networks and previous goals and dreams. Some begin to feel disenfranchised with the push and grind, hustle and politicking of the board room and executive suite and start to crave more soulful, heart-based, genuine connections. This is where I come in.
It’s my mission to help these leaders transition this shift phase and begin to explore what their mission and purpose could look like along a path of Steward Eldership.
Maybe you have felt the calling too?
Are you yearning for a richer path, one where you connect with your truth, become more aligned with your values, return to nature and ancient wisdom and shift the false barriers and protections you’ve had to put in place to survive the boardroom all these years?
You’re probably beginning to tap into a sense of your inner knowing, an intuition beyond the intellect and a way to go beyond just business and career success, into a phase of service, stewardship, joy and deep fulfilment across all aspects of life.