It’s time for Servant Eldership

I’m much quieter these days on social media and that’s because I’m focused on something big that I’m passionate about.

Leaders that grow their conscious servant eldership get this:


There are only two sources of sustainable joy:

  1. Higher level consciousness

  2. Service to others

Nothing external can ever give us lasting joy.

No amount of power, money, status, travel, cars, titles, awards, degrees, or fame will give it to you. True…they can bring peaks of elation, excitement, dopamine rush, pride, perceived status and an ego boost however they are not lasting and eventually they ALWAYS crash back down, leaving you empty.

The first thing that can bring happiness that never leaves is the path of becoming a more conscious leader of making a shift from the material to the connected. It requires doing the work within rather than outside of ourselves - the daily, the unseen, the quiet, the meditative. Those who know, know what I mean. You feel a calling, a need, a yearning for more than the superficial. It can be felt and measured through Dr David Hawkins Scale of Consciousness and it’s been part of my life’s work since I found it early in my management career over 20 years ago.

Second, the highest form of joy is what Robert Greenleaf called servant leadership. That selfless giving of yourself to an ideal, to your team, your organisation, your family or community. Not because it gets you noticed, rather because it’s your highest aspiration, and calling, because you cannot not follow it. I have been following this path since I began studying it for my MBA in early 2000’s and have refined my understanding and application since walking with and learning from indigenous elders for the past 5 years. In honour of the originator and these elders I call it Servant Eldership and it’s a way of being in business and life that has a ripple effect beyond the 3D superficial.

Those who get this will get this. Those that don’t will feel it’s too woo woo. I promise you 20 years ago I would have too. However the more I learn and lean in the more I live into my inherited name (from my grandmother’s lineage of “Joy”) the more grounded, absolutely certain and real it has become.

Servant Eldership is a path for the future. It’s a path of walking together, all people’s, the planet with purpose for a future that elders dreamt of seven generations ago.

I want to be part of the shift, I know some of you will too. There’s a groundswell and it will no longer be on the fringes soon. The wisdom of the bush will collide in the boardroom and you will no longer be able to stay comfortably on the superficial plane.

If you’re eager to be a co-creator and be part of the building of thriving cultures, companies, communities and nations then join us here in our private free community where I’ll be sharing more and asking for your dreams and ideas too.

For now, this is offline from mainstream - but not for long. It’s time. Time for Servant Eldership.

Big love and JOY


Bridging the bush and the boardroom


Leader - you are not alone. I’m here for you.


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